What is Reflexology?
Reflexology is a gentle soothing, non invasive treatment, with powerful results. Most people have
reflexology for relaxation & rejuvenation and to bring balance to the body's systems though it can
also help relieve symptoms of several conditions including.
Anxiety & stress
Sleep disorders & insomnia
Back/neck pain & sciatica
Headaches & migraine
Joint Pain
Digestive disorders
Circulatory problems
Low immunity
Degenerative disorders
Toxin build up
Hormone disorders
Reflexology can also be helpful in supporting fertility, conception and a healthy pregnancy & birth.
What to expect?
Your treatment will begin with a foot cleanse and then a balm will be applied by gentle massage followed by reflexology and ending with a relaxing foot massage. You are treated on a lovely comfortable couch or reclining chair in my beautiful treatment room. You remain fully clothed and just remove your shoes and socks. The first treatment will include a short consultation prior to a tailored treatment for your needs. I am delighted to offer RLD reflexology, Spinal Nerve Reflexology, Facial Reflexology, Menopausal Reflexology and Hot Stone Reflexology
Contact Karen on 07841 461422 to find out more or email karen@thesolepractice.co.uk